
the blog

“Of course, there’s a clown nose in my nose.” This was 2 ½ year old Lilah’s mantra as she made the rounds at my parent’s Christmas Eve party. We were delighted. “What a funny little creature she is!” “The things she says!” “Where did she come from???”  But when I heard her telling my grandmother […]

Clown Nose


When I was little, I would fantasize that my adult self was a black woman with a glittering turban and flowing robes, standing on stage and singing her heart out.  (It was the 70s and Aretha Franklin was a God to me.) Obviously, that didn’t happen.   In high school, I fantasized that Jane Fonda […]

Let Your Imagination Run WILD.


This morning, I opened my front door to reach around the doorframe and grab the mail out of our mailbox. The icy wind almost knocked me off my feet. I closed the door and went back to my office, empty handed. Maybe later. “That’s February in Connecticut,” you may be thinking. But if you live […]

That Sneaky Devil


I was a superstitious kid.

Doris Day


…to say there was a right way and a wrong way would have implied that we had a choice.

Can You Be a Half-Assed Perfectionist?


The cat woke me up this morning 30 minutes before my alarm – like he always does. I followed him down the stairs, fed him, made coffee, then started the shower, mug in hand.  This is our routine. Today feels the same as yesterday.  It’s Groundhog Day. And if you’re like me, the meaning of […]

Groundhog Day


My friend Millie met a Vietnamese Monk at a retreat in 1988.  She saw him talking to a group of children at the water’s edge and stopped to listen in.   Thay, as the monk asked to be called, was holding a stone and invited the children to do the same. Gently, as was his way, […]

Two Degrees of Separation


Happy Thanksgiving! I’m so grateful you’re here. Before you come in… Know that I’m not perfect. My house is not perfect, and the dinner certainly won’t be. Please leave your judgement at the door. There are people in here with whom you might have a history. As you enter, kindly let go of the expectation […]

The Doorbell Rings…


What I uncovered in my closet is a symptom of how often the old patterns that run under our radar lead to choices that keep us from growing.

11 Pairs of Black Pants


If you're into growing yourself, finding inspiration to share with others and locking into a community of really cool women, you've come to the right place. 

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