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It’s All Right in Front of You

The Secret to Staying Present

Last week, Paul and I drove our daughter to college for the first time.

Back in my office, three major projects; a new podcast, my first digital course release and a new group program - Life Reimagined – all sat awaiting final tweaks and details before their September launches.

There was a time in my life when that 4-hour drive would have been an exercise in mental gymnastics. My mind would have been all over the place.

I would have been doling out advice to my daughter, reminiscing about her childhood, and probably taking phone calls all while mentally organizing the next day’s work.

I would have been stressed out and, without even realizing it, I would have stressed Lilah out.

Now, I know better.

On the drive, we talked and listened to her curated-for-the-drive-to-college playlist. I looked out the window. She face-timed her best friend. We stopped twice for coffee and bathroom breaks. We took our time and enjoyed the ride.

We moved her in and didn’t check our watches to make sure we’d beat the traffic. We took pictures. We laughed and cried. We were dialed-in to the moment and it was pure magic.

Paul and I got home much later than I had planned (we definitely didn’t beat the traffic) but rather than feeling emotionally and mentally exhausted, I felt content, grounded, and really happy.

And all the work that was waiting for me back at the office?

When I’m here, that’s my focus.

This Week:
The Secret to Staying Present – Using Your Life as a Mindfulness Practice

Imagine if your life – every aspect of it – were suddenly some sort of interactive museum.

  • You’d probably pay attention to details that you currently overlook.

  • You’d be more curious about things that you currently believe you know.

  • You’d likely focus, one thing at a time, on what was right in front of you.

Go ahead. Give it a try.