One of the most powerful neurological triggers in your body – believe it or not – is your smile.
I just got off the phone with my dad. He’s 79. He was telling me about replacing a part in his washing machine – one of those things in an awkward spot that you have to do by feel. “I was trying like hell to loosen it, but it kept getting tighter,” he said. He […]
“Of course, there’s a clown nose in my nose.” This was 2 ½ year old Lilah’s mantra as she made the rounds at my parent’s Christmas Eve party. We were delighted. “What a funny little creature she is!” “The things she says!” “Where did she come from???” But when I heard her telling my grandmother […]
When I was little, I would fantasize that my adult self was a black woman with a glittering turban and flowing robes, standing on stage and singing her heart out. (It was the 70s and Aretha Franklin was a God to me.) Obviously, that didn’t happen. In high school, I fantasized that Jane Fonda […]
This morning, I opened my front door to reach around the doorframe and grab the mail out of our mailbox. The icy wind almost knocked me off my feet. I closed the door and went back to my office, empty handed. Maybe later. “That’s February in Connecticut,” you may be thinking. But if you live […]
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