I don’t think I’ve ever met a person who said, “It’s Valentine’s Day this week, I can’t wait!”
In fact, this completely made up holiday is one of the most dreaded days of the year for most people.
One would think that on a day dedicated to celebrating love, the energy of the entire world would skyrocket.
You’d think we’d all be walking around smiling big, twinkly-eyed smiles at each other with that Avatar “I SEE YOU” kind of vibe.
Instead, Valentine’s Day is laden with obligations and expectations for some, self-loathing and disappointment for others, and for everyone else – that icky hollow feeling that comes when you realize that chocolate actually isn’t love.
Don’t get me wrong, I like celebrating Valentine’s Day.
To be honest, I like celebrating most things – I’m headed to the Post Office in a minute to send a little heart-themed care package to my daughter at college.
What I don’t like is how often this holiday fosters disconnection.
“What did you get for Valentine’s Day?”
“What are you doing for Valentine’s Day?”
“How many 2×3 inch Snoopy Valentines were in your mail(shoe)-box???”
For most of my life, whatever answer I had to those questions either felt shallow or desperate (depending on the year).
The thing is, neither those questions nor their answers have absolutely anything to do with love.
So, this year I’d like to propose…(drum-roll)…
A Valentine’s INCLUSION Revolution!
Here’s all you need to do to join…
Show yourself a bit of compassion.
Dial down that broken record and say a few kind things to you for a change.
2. Love OTHERS
See how big you can make this one.
Can you include the people you live with? Work with?
You’re entire family of origin?
The guy you just passed on the street?
That rabid Facebook poster that seems to stand for everything you don’t?
3. LET GO of judgement.
Try to see each person as the protagonist in their own story…struggling to be enough, to conquer their fears, to be loved and to belong.
4. GIVE without expectation.
Whether you’re passing out twinkly-eyed smiles, Snoopy cards or chocolates, do it because you want to.
Do it for the sheer joy of it.
Forget all those BS rules that say your value is based on how other people treat you. Real value is based on how you treat others (and how you treat yourself).
It actually is as easy as that.
If we all manage to love ourselves and others even a tiny bit more than usual this week, the INCLUSION Revolution will have begun!
Big, BIG Love to all of you, and thanks for spreading the love with me!
Happy Valentine’s Day,
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