I was at an event last night where three different women took to the stage to tell us that when they reframed the way they saw themselves, they radically changed their lives.
If you’ve worked on yourself at all, you recognize the importance of what you tell yourself (and as a result, the rest of the world) about who you are and what your value is.
You’ve heard it a million times. Change your thoughts, change your life.
You’ve probably even taken some of it on.
And if you have, it’s changed you.
Even if you don’t recognize it yet.
But maybe it hasn’t radically changed your life.
Maybe you’re still figuring out how to let go of your fears.
Maybe you’re still figuring out who you are or what you want.
Maybe you feel more stuck than ever.
If my grandmother were here today, I know exactly what she’d tell you.
“Shit, or get off the pot.”
She wasn’t a subtle woman.
The truth is, changing your thoughts is only the gateway. For anything to change, action is required.
It doesn’t have to be big.
Or related to your ultimate goal.
You don’t even need to know what your goal is.
It DOES, however, need to be something you wouldn’t normally do.
Which means doing it needs to feel uncomfortable.
So, YES. Change what you’re telling yourself.
YES, dump those limiting beliefs.
And the moment you feel stuck, DO SOMETHING
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